Complete urinalysis consists of three elements: Gross examChemical examSediment exam.
A seizure is a clinical manifestation of excessive hyperexcitability in the cerebral cortex. There is a lot of electrical activity going on in the brain and it is not being coordinated in the way it...
The journey to the veterinary clinic could involve stressful or exciting activity, elevating dogs', and owners', cortisol levels. Negative associations with previous visits experienced as unpleasant...
It is important to have all the equipment to hand before beginning the examination. This includes:.
Blood pressure, or more accurately intravascular pressure, is the pressure that blood physically exerts on a vessel wall. This pressure is important because the difference in intravascular pressure at...
As discussed, rabbits require a source of low-quality roughage, as well as a handful of non-selective pellets, and some fruit/vegetables in small amounts. Ideally, they should receive at least 80% of...
Hospitals should create not only anaesthetic drug protocols for geriatric patients, but also pre and postoperative care instructions for staff and pet owners to ensure high-quality care and monitoring...
The pancreas is a flat, long, abdominal organ (Thomas Colville, 2016), which sits adjacent to the stomach. The pancreas is connected to the duodenum (the first portion of the intestine) via the...
Tooth extraction can be achieved using a closed or open (surgical) technique. As Reiter (2019) stated, ‘the principles of tooth extraction are to reduce or eliminate the retentive factors that hold a...
The initial contact usually comes in the form of a telephone call from a member of the public or a wildlife rescue, or from a member of the public bringing a wildlife patient directly to the...
Blood samples are commonly obtained from the jugular, cephalic or lateral saphenous veins; the medial saphenous vein can also be used, and in general the use of the jugular vein is recommended. The...
How and where you place items on the shelves might seem an easy and logical thing to do, but placement is really important in preventing errors. Many practices will put their items on the shelf with...