What is the new normal? A time to reflect?

02 April 2021
2 mins read
Volume 12 · Issue 3

As the UK starts to lift some of its COVID-19 restrictions, and other countries have successful ‘road plans’ out of the pandemic is it a time to start reflecting on what has occurred over the last year?

The way that we work in practice has changed, but do we want to change back to where we were? The biggest changes has been in telemedicine and clients are asking for this to continue. Surveying clients has shown that they feel that this is an important aspect of the services that veterinary professionals should include. If this is the case, do veterinary nurses and surgeons need training/guidance on performing consultations via digital means? Communication can be difficult face-to-face in a consultation room, at times, adding in the dynamic of online communication can be difficult. We need to learn these new communication methods, we need to be more technology competent than before. This week I had a diabetic nurse clinic where I had to show an owner how to use a glucometer. Social distancing was in place, in the car park, in the cold so big coats on, and the owner forgot to bring his dog; trying to convey the information was really hard. Explaining the use of online videos to demonstrate weren't useful as the owner has no internet access; printed information was required. We don't want to leave some people behind if moving forward with technology; practices need to be inclusive for all. Being able to demonstrate something, whether it is administration of medicines, use of a glucometer, checking for hydration levels in a pet is something that we need to be able to show and convey over digital means. Investing in a few models, cuddly toy dogs and cats might seem a little over the top; but in some cases might be really necessary.

Reflect back over the last 12 months, what have we had to change that actually works really well? For me, sending out consent forms the day before the surgery for owners to complete and return. This has saved so much time during admissions, all they are doing is signing the already completed form. Sending out discharge notes digitally has a large environmental aspect. People innately don't like change; we were forced to change a lot and very quickly which people found very stressful. Changing back is likely to be stressful too. How do you feel about clients being back in the consulting room? Do we have to change everything back?

Many nurses and other practice personnel are now really reviewing work–life balance. Do we all need to be in the practice all of the time? Many practices are now allowing administration staff to work from home, insurance claim forms, for example, are all digital and can be completed elsewhere. Some clinical staff are having specific days/half days of telemedicine consulting from home. This is having huge implications on the wellbeing of staff and really opens up opportunities for many people that might not be able to work in a full veterinary clinical setting. Are we becoming better at being more inclusive because we were made to be?

Let's use this pandemic as an opportunity to reflect and review how veterinary practices work and how we can improve not just animal welfare but staff welfare and wellbeing.