Initially, renal failure was diagnosed with serum concentrations of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine. However, symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) has been shown to detect chronic renal failure...
Veterinary professionals are commonly taught that taurine, arachidonic acid and vitamin A cannot be derived from plant material and will need to be chemically synthesised (as with taurine) or be...
Veterinary nurses can play a crucial role in assisting with a full dermatological history to aid the diagnosis of any skin disease. As part of this, obtaining a full dietary history from owners is...
The role of food allergies in canine and feline IBD is unknown. In IBD, the immune system responds incorrectly to environmental triggers, which can include food, that causes inflammation of the...
An understanding of the natural lifestyle of rabbits makes it easy to see why the traditional way of keeping rabbits impacts on their welfare. What an owner considers to be a behaviour problem may...
Acquired nutritional deficiencies due to poorly prepared or unbalanced diets are rare in modern times due to the high quality and regulation of commercial foods in developed countries (Miller, 1989;...
Canine urolithiasis is a disorder that needs close monitoring long term due to the nature of reformation of crystals and stones. Dissolution and prevention of any future stones and crystals is the...
Energy is measured in calories (cal), kilocalories (kcal) and kilojoules (kJ): 1 kcal = 1000 cal = 4.184 kJ. Heat is produced following the intake of a meal as a result of digestion and absorption....
The present study included a 5 day recording of dietary intake in hospitalized patients at the Small Animal Clinic at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Sweden (May, 2005). This...
While selective breeding has changed external features, such as the domestic rabbit's coat colour, fur length, ear shape and size, its underlying physiology is, or should be, similar to that of the...
The ideal diet for a cat with renal disease should have a number of basic properties. It should be:.
Although domesticated for decades, rabbits' behaviour has changed little, and they are easily frightened, and quickly stressed. The effects of stress are significant and can lead to heart failure and...