
Dennis S Arrhythmias, 2nd edition. In: Luis Fuentes V., Johnson L.R., Dennis S. 2010

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How to use an ECG machine

02 February 2016
10 mins read
Volume 7 · Issue 1



The electrocardiogram (ECG) can assist monitoring of a wide range of cases, such as emergencies, those undergoing anaesthesia and for critically ill patients. While being a valuable diagnostic tool in veterinary practice, many nurses are apprehensive about using the ECG machine, either due to uncertainty or unfamiliarity of the machine, or being unsure about what to look out for, when in use. This practical and illustrated article gives explanations on how to use the machine and provides examples of the common rhythms and arrhythmias seen in practice.

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a useful diagnostic tool in veterinary practice to assess heart rate and rhythm, but anecdotally, veterinary nurses seem reluctant to use the machine, citing two distinct challenges. First, knowing how to set up and use the machine correctly, and second, knowing what to look for when it is working. This practical article will explore both these issues, and suggest cases that might benefit from ECG monitoring.

Cardiac muscle requires an electrical stimulus to start a contraction. Figure 1 shows how specialised cells within the sino-atrial (SA) node start the conduction process, by firing an impulse that spreads across the atria depolarising (contracting) the muscle as it travels. The impulse passes through the atrioventricular (AV) node, to the ventricles using the His-Purkinje fibre network. As the impulse travels through the His-Purkinje network, the ventricles are depolarised. This depolarisation is the catalyst for the systolic and simultaneous action of oxygenated blood being pumped through the aorta, and deoxygenated blood out through the pulmonary artery. Finally, as the cardiac muscle relaxes, the ECG records the repolarisation (relaxation), as the muscle prepares for the next contraction. This process should result in a sinus complex, shown in Figure 2. Table 1 provides a step-by-step guide to each part of the P-QRS-T complex.

Figure 1. Illustrates the conduction system and the path that each impulse takes. This process should result in a sinus complex, consisting of a P-QRS-T wave, seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2. A sinus complex. Note how each complex should consist of a P wave followed by a QRS-T wave.

Section of the complex Event
P wave SA node starts depolarisation process. Impulse spreads from right to left across the atria, contracting the atria in a coordinated manner. When the whole of the atria have been depolarised, the electrical difference returns to baseline
P – R interval The AV node slowly conducts the impulse from the atria to the ventricles to allow coordinated ventricular contraction. No muscle is depolarised, therefore the baseline remains flat
Q wave Depolarisation of the ventricular septum.
R wave The large muscle mass of the ventricles is depolarised via the His-Purkinje fibre network
S wave Remaining basal regions of the ventricles are depolarised.
T wave Repolarisation of the ventricles. T wave morphology can vary largely from patient to patient, and are generally not of diagnostic value in small animal medicine

How to use the machine

Cables and electrodes

There are many different makes and models of ECG machine, which adds to the confusion of using them. Some machines have three cables for electrodes, usually coloured red, yellow and green. Others have four cables, generally red, yellow, green and black. Some machines even have five cables, which include a white cable and electrode. American machines have a different colour scheme completely, so it is best to refer to the user manual for clarification. There is however a standardised protocol for electrode placement, which can be followed, no matter how many electrodes are present.

Correct ECG electrode placement

Electrodes should be placed:

  • Red = right forelimb, placed behind the elbow
  • Yellow = left forelimb, placed behind the elbow
  • Green = left hindlimb, placed at the front of the stifle
  • Black lead = right hindlimb, placed at the front of the stifle.
  • If there is a fifth lead, this can be attached anywhere on the thorax. To minimise artefact, have the cable running in the same direction as the other cables. Conductive gel or spirit should be applied to the patient to improve contact.

    Terminology can confuse matters further, so Box 1 provides an illustrated guide.

    Terminology of electrocardiogram (ECG) equipment with definition


    Electrode = electrical contacts at body surface

    Cables = wires connecting electrodes to machine

    Lead = ECG trace derived from electrodes attached to the body. In this case, lead II is shown.

    The machine

    ECG machine configuration and functionality varies from basic machines to complicated top range models. If unsure how to use the practice machine, refer to the user manual and practice using it as much as possible. Figure 3 shows an example of an ECG machine, with a few of the basic options highlighted.

    Figure 3. This picture illustrates some of the options available on electrocardiogram (ECG) machines.

    Standard ECG machine settings

  • Most ECG machines will have a display screen, and different views can be chosen. Lead II should be visible, as this is the standard lead used for interpretation. If only one lead can be viewed at a time, scroll through to select lead II. Some machines allow the display of leads I, II and III at the same time. Other leads are available, but are generally used for more advanced ECG interpretation.
  • Sensitivity — as a starting point, select 10 mV and adjust if necessary. The larger the number, the bigger the complexes will appear.
  • Paper speed — 25 mm/second is the normal paper speed. 50 mm/second makes the paper speed faster, and therefore is useful to see complexes spaced out.
  • Automatic or manual settings — automatic is good for monitoring because it displays on screen only, and does not print. If a printed trace is required, a manual option will need to be selected through the mode or menu button, and the ‘run’ or print button selected. Some machines have an analysis feature as well, which the veterinary surgeon (VS) may or may not require.
  • Filter switch — if there is a filter button, it may be useful to turn it on, to dampen interference. However, caution should be exercised because it can dampen all electrical activity, and so P waves (especially on cats) will be more difficult to interpret. See Box 2 for examples of artefact.
  • Examples of artefact

    Artefact type Example
    Panting artefact See how the baseline moves with respiration, making interpretation difficult.
    Poor contact or electrical interference (clippers, fans, etc) Note how the baseline has a fuzzy appearance. This will also hamper interpretation.

    The patient

    Ideally, the patient should be calm, and in a quiet room for the ECG recording. The patient should be lying in right lateral recumbancy on a non-conductive surface, such as a vetbed. Place the electrodes as listed above, and use either surgical spirit or gel to improve conduction. Surgical spirit is flammable, and therefore should only be used if the patient will not be defibrillated. If the patient is in respiratory distress, the ECG should be taken in sternal recumbancy. Figure 4 shows gold standard positioning, and in this picture, note how the cables come away from the patient, so that respiration does not interfere with the trace. Furthermore, the limbs are being held slightly apart to minimise muscle tremor or movement artefact.

    Figure 4. Patient is lying in right lateral recumbancy on a padded bed. The cables are not touching and do not cross the thorax, thus minimising interference.

    Cases that might benefit from an ECG

    An ECG is used to measure heart rate and rhythm, so any case that is critically ill, is undergoing anaesthesia, has a history of collapse, or has an auscultation abnormality would benefit from ECG monitoring. The benefit of having an ECG attached is that problems can be identified quickly and treated appropriately. Suggested cases that should have an ECG attached are seen in Box 3.

    Recommendations for ECG monitoring

  • Emergencies
  • Anaesthesia
  • Post surgical cases
  • If an arrhythmia suspected on auscultation or history
  • Drug toxicity
  • Electrolyte disturbances
  • To assess effectiveness of cardiac drugs
  • If ECG monitoring is not routinely used for anaesthetic monitoring, there are some specific surgical cases that it would be beneficial to monitor, due to the disease process, or the effect of increased vagal tone. Examples of this type of surgery include correcting gastric dilatation volvulus, ocular or adrenal surgery, or cases with sepsis, gastrointestinal disease, splenic disease, or upper respiratory tract obstruction. Please note this list is not exhaustive.

    The ECG trace

    Sinus rhythms and common abnormalities

    Life-threatening rhythms are usually very fast or very slow, therefore determining the heart rate is a crucial first step. Some machines will record the heart rate automatically, however a quick method of calculating the heart rate is to measure a 6 second interval (15 cm at a paper speed of 25 mm/second or 30 cm at a paper speed of 50 mm/second), count the number of QRS complexes within this period and multiply by 10 to reach number of beats per minute (Willis, 2010).

    Sinus rhythms

    Sinus complexes are individual to each patient, so after determining the rate, it is important to assess whether each complex has a P-QRS for each and every complex (Figures 5 and 6).

    Figure 5. Dog — sinus rhythm. Note the steady and repeatable P-QRS-T waves.
    Figure 6. Cat — Sinus rhythm. As cat hearts are smaller, the trace on the ECG screen will be smaller.

    Sinus tachycardia — a regular fast rhythm with a P wave for every QRS complex. Often seen in excitable or stressed patients, and is very common in cats (Figure 7).

    Figure 7. Example of sinus tachycardia.

    Sinus bradycardia — this is a regular slow rhythm with a P wave for every QRS complex. It is often seen in resting dogs, but also in athletic or working dogs (Figure 8).

    Figure 8. Example of sinus bradycardia.

    Sinus arrhythmia — a common arrhythmia seen in small animal practice. It always has a P wave, followed by a normal QRS complex, but the heart rate can vary. It is associated with vagal tone and often corresponds with respiration, particularly in dogs. This is a normal finding in dogs, but uncommon in cats (Figure 9).

    Figure 9. Example of sinus arrhythmia. All complexes have a P-QRS wave, but there are some longer pauses (highlighted with arrow).

    Second degree atrioventricular (AV) block — depending on the intrinsic heart rate, second degree AV block may or may not be clinically significant (Dennis, 2010). Often seen with bradycardia and fit, healthy dogs (Figure 10).

    Figure 10. Example of second degree atrioventricular block. Highlighted are unconducted P waves, which demonstrate that the SA node has fired and the atria have depolarised, but the ventricles have not responded.

    Ventricular premature complexes (VPC) — VPCs are a common finding in dogs and cats (Martin, 2007) and can be caused by a variety of cardiac and non-cardiac causes. They can vary in morphology and size, as seen below in Figures 1113. Common questions to consider are how frequently they occur, the underlying heart rate, and disease process.

    Figure 11. ECG trace 7 - VPC in a dog.
    Figure 12. ECG trace 8 – VPC in a dog.
    Figure 13. VPC in a cat.

    Arrhythmias requiring attention

    The arrhythmias that should cause alarm are generally either fast or slow ones. It should be repeated however, that if there is any concern whatsoever, a VS should be consulted immediately. Severe arrhythmias may result in haemodynamic compromise, and less severe arrhythmias can be an indicator for more severe arrhythmias or sudden death (Dennis, 2010).

    Urgent arrhythmias

    Ventricular tachycardias — these arrhythmias are unstable because they are either too fast for proper and organised ventricular contraction, or are firing from many different foci within the ventricles. Complexes can have a uniform or multiform appearance, but are usually wide and bizarre (Figure 14).

    Figure 14. Example of ventricular tachycardia

    Atrial arrhythmias — these are usually associated with structural heart disease and are haemodynamically unstable when very fast (Figure 15) (Ware, 2007).

    Figure 15. Example of atrial fibrillation.

    Atrioventricular block — high grade AV block (2nd or 3rd degree) can be potentially life threatening because they can be haemodynamically and electrically unstable (Figure 16).

    Figure 16. Example of 3rd degree atrioventricular block. Note how the P waves do not appear to be associated with the ventricular complexes. The underlying heart rate in this trace is 12 beats/minute.

    Life threatening arrhythmias

    There are three arrhythmias that are life threatening and require urgent attention. All of the arrhythmias shown below (Figures 1719) would need immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and electrical defibrillation. See Box 4 for CPR algorithm.

    CPR Algorithm

    CPR algorithm chart. This chart summarises the clinical guidelines most relevant to the patient presenting acutely in CPA. The box surrounded by the grey dashed line contains, in order, the initial BLS and ALS actions to be taken when a patient is diagnosed with CPA: (1) administration of chest compressions, (2) ventilation support, (3) initiation of ECG and EtCO2 monitoring, (4) obtaining vascular access for drug administration, and (5) administration of reversal agents if any anaesthetic/sedative agents have been administered. The algorithm then enters a loop of 2-minute cycles of CPR with brief pauses between to rotate compressors, to evaluate the patient for signs of ROSC, and to evaluate the ECG for a rhythm diagnosis. Patients in PEA or asystole should be treated with vasopressors and, potentially, anticholinergic drugs. These drugs should be administered no more often than every other cycle of CPR. Patients in VF or pulseless VT should be electrically defibrillated if a defibrillator is available or mechanically defibrillated with a precordial thump if an electrical defibrillator is not available, Immediately after defibrillation, another 2 minute cycle of BLS should be started immediately. BLS, basic life support; CPA, cardiopulmonary arrest; CPR, cardiopulmomary resuscitation; C:V, compression to ventilation ratio; EtCO2, end tidal CO2; PEA, pulseless electrical activity; ROSC, retum of spontaneous circulation; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
    Figure 17. Ventricular fibrillation – This arises from different foci within the ventricle, and produces little cardiac output. No normal waveforms are seen, and complexes vary in size and shape. It is usually seen at a fast rate and can often develop from ventricular tachycardia.
    Figure 18. Pulseless bradyarrhythmia – Despite this slow trace on the screen, there will be no discernable pulse.
    Figure 19. Ventricular standstill or asystole. No QRS complexes can be seen, although sometimes normal P waves can be identified.


    It may be beneficial to have a mental checklist ready when concerned about an arrhythmia, or a particular patient. Table 2 is a suggested checklist, with issues that might need to be addressed or discussed with the VS.

    Question Rationale Action
    What is the heart rate? Could the patient be haemodynamically or electrically unstable? Life threatening arrhythmias are usually a result of tachycardia or bradycardia Consult the veterinary surgeon (VS) Check blood pressure
    What drugs have been used? Drugs can have proarrhythmogenic properties Consult the VS Refer to hospital chart/anaesthetic record
    What is the underlying disease? Cardiac myoctyes need constant blood supply, stable composition of interstitial fluid, constant nerve supply and structural integrity Consult the VS to see if cardiac function could be compromised
    What is happening to the patient? Pain and increased vagal tone can influence heart rate and rhythm Talk to the VS Observe the procedure
    Is the patient receiving enough oxygen? Hypoxia can cause arrhythmias Talk to the VS Are the lungs compromised by disease?What is the respiratory rate and rhythm?Check oxygen supply Check endotracheal tube


    Using an ECG can be beneficial to all patients undergoing anaesthesia, and routine procedures will allow time for staff to become comfortable with the machine and preferred settings. Emergencies, patients in a critical condition, and high risk patients should all be monitored with an ECG to allow arrhythmias to be treated in an appropriate and timely manner. The role of the ECG should be to complement the monitoring techniques that veterinary nurses already employ, such as recording pulse rate and pulse quality, and respiratory rate and effort.

    Key Points

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) machines play an important role in monitoring patients and can be a useful tool for diagnosis.
  • Recommendations for the use of an ECG are emergencies, anaesthesia, post surgical cases, toxicity, electrolyte disturbances, if an arrhythmia is suspected or to assess the effectiveness of cardiac drugs.
  • Increasing familiarity with the ECG machine will help build confidence in its use and interpretation.
  • Seek veterinary surgeon (VS) advice if concerned with an ECG trace.
  • If a life threatening arrhythmia has occurred, commence cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately and call for help.
  • Conflict of interest: none.