Catherine Wager

Small Animal Centre of the Animal Health Trust, Lanwades Park, Kentford, Suffolk.

Veterinary nurses creating a unique approach to patient care: part two

While published reflections on the design and implementation of care plans based on the OJAM (2007) almost uniformly identify the advantages of utilising this framework for planning patient care, they...

Veterinary nurses creating a unique approach to patient care: part one

The medical model derived from the human medical practice focuses on the illness or malfunction of a particular part or system of the body (Faulkner, 1985). The treatment thus focuses on just that...

Improving patient safety in the perioperative period: surgical safety checklists

The operating room (OR) is acknowledged to be one of the most complex work environments in human health care, so it is perhaps unsurprising that it has such a high potential for complications...

Informed consent: what do veterinary nurses need to know?

The dictionary definition of ‘consent’ is ‘acceptance of, or agreement to, something proposed by another’ (Encarta, 2009). Therefore, in veterinary practice, simply put, consent equates to the client...

Case study: a critical reflection of implementing a nursing care plan for two hospitalized patients

Fundamentally, a nursing model is ‘a collection of ideas, beliefs and values about the nature and purpose of nursing, which influence the way in which nurses work with their patients’ (Davis, 2007:...