Head of ESCCAP UK & Ireland; Chair Professor of Interdisciplinary Parasitology, EBVS European Veterinary Specialist in Veterinary Parasitology, University of Nottingham, School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, Sutton Bonington Campus, Leicestershire LE12 5RD
Pet ownership and animal assisted therapy have become an increasingly common means to improve the physical health and wellbeing of people, including those with social and psychological conditions...
The burden of parasite infection can be considerable due to its adverse effects on animal health and welfare, and the associated socioeconomic implications. Emerging parasites can impose additional...
Internal parasites live inside the animal's body, in different locations including the small intestine, the lung, the heart, the subcutaneous tissue or even inside the eye. The majority of internal...
The present study found evidence of soil contamination with Toxocara spp. eggs in the East Midlands region. Results indicated that 74% of the parks were contaminated, with soil prevalence levels of...
The low number of respondents meant that the true prevalence of the use of anti-inflammatory drugs as a supportive treatment for canine angiostrongylosis could not be calculated. It could depend on...
Fleas are laterally flattened, dark brown insects around 2–5 mm in size. Although fleas are wingless (Figure 1), they are highly mobile because of their strong hind legs adapted for jumping (Wright...
Ticks can seriously compromise the health of affected animals through various mechanisms. For example, severe anaemia or immunosuppression can result from blood loss caused by the feeding and...
Angiostrongylosis is notorious for its non-specific clinical manifestations, occasionally asymptomatic nature, and prolonged course—features that add complexity to the diagnosis of this disease....
When considering whether to use more than one drug in combination, safety should be the primary consideration. The safety of a product when used in combination may be specified in a data sheet. This...
A. vasorum has an indirect mollusc-borne life cycle. Dogs become infected when they ingest slugs and snails containing infective third-stage larvae (L3s). Adult female worms lay eggs in the pulmonary...
Advising clients about prevention of tick bites, especially in the spring and summer months, may help prevent exposure to some dangerous TBDs. Some effective ways to avoid tick bites are to wear...
The prevalence of CanL in endemic regions (Albania, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Spain) and its expansion towards new, non-endemic locations has increased in recent...