Kathryn Latimer-Jones

Critical Care Nurse, North West Veterinary Specialists, Delamere House, Ashville Point, Sutton Weaver, Runcorn WA7 3FW, UK

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How to accurately measure blood pressure

Blood pressure, or more accurately intravascular pressure, is the pressure that blood physically exerts on a vessel wall. This pressure is important because the difference in intravascular pressure at...

How to detect the subtle changes of early deterioration

Close monitoring is vital to recognising changes that are indicative of patient deterioration. It allows time for intervention to avert an impending crisis. Instead of using a single one-off...

The role of nutrition in critical care

Nutrition is essential for good health, but it is particularly important to critically ill patients. This is because they can quickly develop malnutrition, or pre-existing malnutrition is aggravated...