
Cardiovascular monitoring of the canine gastric dilatation volvulus patient

Initial therapy is aimed at stabilisation prior to general anaesthesia, although a prolonged surgical delay is not recommended due to worsening gastric and splenic ischaemia (Broome and Walsh, 2003)....

Beginners guide to cardiac pharmacology

Heart disease is defined as any abnormality of cardiac structure or function. Heart failure is said to occur when clinical signs of increased tissue water and/or decreased tissue perfusion are...

Case report on surgical management of a pericardial effusion and subsequent pericardectomy

The patient was presented to a veterinary surgeon (VS) on observation of respiratory changes by the owner. Clinical signs at this stage included tachypnoea, tachycardia and a pot-bellied abdomen. The...

Care report for a Dogue De Bordeaux with congestive heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy

The patient had pale, tacky mucus membranes (MM) and a capillary refill time of 1–2 seconds. He had a heart rate (HR) of 224 beats per minute (bpm), with an irregular rhythm and weak peripheral...

Preclinical dilated cardiomyopathy and advances in treatment

DCM has been described as having distinct stages (Table 2). The first stage contains dogs with no abnormal findings on echocardiography (echo) or electrocardiography (ECG); however, they are at risk...

An extended patient care report for a canine in congestive heart failure

Roxy had a chronic history of mitral valve disease, which had progressed to heart failure 18 months prior to presentation at the author's clinic. There had been an initial response to medical...

Mitral valve disease and dilated cardiomyopathy in canines

Normal cardiovascular function provides the body with nutrients and removes metabolic waste. The heart is the pumping force behind this system, and is divided into two sides to prevent mixing of...