
Osteoarthritis in canines part 1: geriatric pain management

Behaviours that the owner may see early during the disease are the dog sporadically reluctant to perform previous tasks or activities, such as jumping into the car, which never posed a problem before....

Health and husbandry of companion parrots

Looking after the health of parrots occurs even before the patient presents to the veterinary clinic. It is important for front-of-house staff to discuss appropriate carry cages with owners prior to...

Veterinary management of feline osteoarthritis

The aetiology of feline OA is different to that of canine OA. There is much less evidence to support OA secondary to developmental disease processes such as dysplasia, with one particular study citing...

Use of broad-spectrum parasiticides in canine and feline parasitology

Intestinal helminthes of companion animals are of primary importance in daily clinical practice (Figure 1). The roundworms (ascarids), Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati (Figure 2), infecting dogs and...

Clinical presentation and management of liver lobe torsions in domestic rabbits

Rupert was a 6-year-old, male neutered, crossbreed rabbit belonging to one of the clinic's veterinary surgeons. He was fully up to date with vaccinations against myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic...

Cutaneous adverse food reactions

The role of food allergies in canine and feline IBD is unknown. In IBD, the immune system responds incorrectly to environmental triggers, which can include food, that causes inflammation of the...

How to provide early enteral nutrition in the canine pancreatitis patient

The pancreas is a flat, long, abdominal organ (Thomas Colville, 2016), which sits adjacent to the stomach. The pancreas is connected to the duodenum (the first portion of the intestine) via the...

An evidence-based approach to workplace anaesthesia training. Part 2

When a SVN enters a workplace, they are expected to begin to ‘put into action’ what they have learned in the classroom. This is no simple transition (Konkola et al, 2007). Students may struggle to...

Fungal infections in cats and dogs

Other, more uncommon, fungal infections include candidiasis (Figure 12), cryptococcosis, sporotrichosis and alternariosis. Clinically, these mycoses can cause dermatitis similar to that of Malassezia...