
Anatomical evaluation of brachycephalism in cats and rabbits

Brachycephalic animals can be identified by their distinctive skull shape with a high cephalic index. Cat breeds affected by extreme brachycephaly include Exotic Shorthairs, Himalayans and Persians....

Causes and prevention of caries (cavities) in dogs

Caries (Figure 2) form as a result of a process called ‘inorganic demineralisation’ of the enamel caused by the fermentation of plaque bacteria within the oral cavity. These bacteria use the...

Dog owners’ awareness and use of dental homecare

A low-risk ethical code was obtained from the Hartpury Ethics Committee before commencing the project: ETH-ICS2020-22-LR..

Nursing considerations during routine dental procedures

As previously mentioned, it is crucial to know of any underlying health conditions before an anaesthetic. This includes breed-related diseases, in particular those seen in brachycephalic patients, as...

How to set up for dental extractions

Tooth extraction can be achieved using a closed or open (surgical) technique. As Reiter (2019) stated, ‘the principles of tooth extraction are to reduce or eliminate the retentive factors that hold a...

How to perform a conscious oral examination on a cat and what to look for

A gentle way to examine the teeth is to use one hand to expose the cat's maxillary teeth and the other to expose the mandibular teeth. The first step is to place one hand on top of the cat's head and...