Wound care

Wound healing for small animal practitioners: a refresher – part one

The wound healing process involves four key phases: bleeding, inflammatory, proliferation, and the maturation/remodelling phases (key events are outlined in Table 1). These phases are often assumed to...

Care bundles to reduce surgical site infections and promote positive outcomes

SSIs affect large numbers of veterinary patients each year and are infections that occur at, or near, to the surgical site up to 30 days post surgery, or up to 1 year after implants have been placed...

A guide to biofilm in veterinary wounds

Biofilms occur when a group of microorganisms (typically bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) attach themselves to a surface to create a colony. This colony form themselves into a type of ‘shield’...

Ear base swellings in rabbits

Unlike canine and feline patients, rabbits do not have a distinct vertical or horizontal ear canal. The external ear possesses cartilaginous plates and a blind-ending diverticulum which is separated...

Right foreleg amputation and laser therapy of the wound in a dog

When considering the metacarpal fracture, either surgical or conservative management techniques could have been used with similar results, as digit 1 was affected, which is not weight-bearing...

Understanding the approach to animals with thermal burns

Local burns are unlikely to lead to systemic derangements and aggressive therapy is not typically required. When the injury is directly witnessed, cold water can be applied to cool the wound. This...

Quality improvement frameworks to maximise wound assessment

As stated above checklists are a cognitive tool to prompt practitioners and ensure vital steps are not missed in an effort to minimise errors. Typically created alongside an evidence-based protocol,...

The importance of lavage in wound care

Lavage is fundamental in breaking down bacterial biofilms, which occur when a group of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) attach themselves to a surface to create a colony,...

Identifying wound infections for veterinary nurses

The inflammatory phase is the initial stage of wound healing and is initiated immediately an injury occurs. Haemostasis is triggered to stop haemorrhage and inflammatory mediators are called to the...

Clinical application of photobiomodulation therapy in a zoological setting

PBMT is a form of light therapy that uses non-ionizing light sources, such as lasers, light emitting diodes (LED) light and broadband light within both the visible and infrared spectrums. PBMT is a...

The veterinary nurse's role in the management of wound drains

Once a wound is created, whether this be as a result of a surgical incision or trauma, the body's response will be to commence wound healing. The normal wound healing process occurs in three phases:...