Intubation of the trachea is one of many ways of ensuring the provision of oxygen to the respiratory system but is more usually used primarily to ‘secure the airway’; meaning to prevent foreign...
Advice on how to exercise the growing dog should vary depending on breed size, as this affects the timeframe for longitudinal bone growth and growth plate closure. While load-bearing exercise is...
While behaviourally-active drugs comprise several different classes of medication, they can be divided into two main types: short-acting drugs that can be given as needed (Box 1), and drugs that need...
In a healthy animal, proteins that enter the GIT are digested into amino acids. These amino acids are then reabsorbed by the GIT. As the building blocks of proteins, they are utilised in the synthesis...
Blood pressure, or more accurately intravascular pressure, is the pressure that blood physically exerts on a vessel wall. This pressure is important because the difference in intravascular pressure at...
Nausea is believed to be caused by the activation of multiple cortical (forebrain) areas, while vomiting is initiated through activation of the vomiting centre in the medulla oblongata (brain stem)...
Both indoor and outdoor domestic fertilisers tend to be ‘NPK-based’, containing nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Various products are available (Figure 1). Houseplant fertilisers are...
Fleas are a cause of allergic dermatitis and vectors for a variety of infections including Bartonella henselae (cause of cat scratch disease), Rickettsia felis (cause of spotted fever), Haemoplasma...
Human error is not predictable, many factors affect our ability to perform at our best. The full integration of the surgical safety checklist to the usual working practice of the hospital would ensure...