Therapeutic hypothermia is applied via cooling of the blood in the cardiopulmonary bypass machine (Kanemoto, 2014). This reduces the metabolic rate and oxygen demand from the tissues reducing risk of...
The development of canine chronic enteropathy clinical activity indices extrapolated from human medicine offer a quantifiable and repeatable measure of monitoring response to treatment. The most...
CO2 within the body can be measured either directly via arterial sampling, which gives us the partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood (PaCO2), or indirectly via capnography. PaCO2 readings are...
Internal parasites live inside the animal's body, in different locations including the small intestine, the lung, the heart, the subcutaneous tissue or even inside the eye. The majority of internal...
Preventative medicine (which does not just include nutrition) can be subdivided into three parts:.
Non-erosive IMPA is typically induced by a type III hypersensitivity reaction where immune complexes collect in the joint space. Immune complexes are derived from bound antigen–antibody formations and...
An assessment of cardiovascular function in the patient can easily be performed using subjective methods such as mucous membrane colour, capillary refill time, pulse rate and quality, peripheral and...
Primary (hereditary) glaucoma is a congenital abnormality causing a malfunction and malformation of the eye/s, reducing the flow of aqueous humour and often slowly increasing intraocular pressure over...
Many veterinary nurses and veterinary surgeons are not confident in handling cats and recognising why they behave in the way that they do. Goins et al (2019) investigated the ability of veterinary...
The four main causes of joint pain in dogs are:.
Translocation of endogenous microbial flora is the most common route of surgical site infection. Skin preparation and aseptic techniques aim to reduce or eliminate the growth of resident and transient...
The anaesthetic plan must aim for maternal and neonatal survival, presenting a unique challenge to the anaesthetist. Exposure of the fetuses to anaesthetic drugs, since many cross the placenta...