RCVS Knowledge: Clinical audit - https://knowledge.rcvs.org.uk/quality-improvement/tools-and-resources/clinical-audit/.
Chocolate is made from the fermented, dried then roasted beans of Theobroma cacao (Figure 1). After roasting, the shell is removed, and the remaining nibs are ground to cocoa mass which is liquefied...
Outdoor, male neutered, 3 year old, Domestic Shorthair cat from a multi-cat household presented on the evening of the 23 September 2023 with mucopurulent ocular discharge and head-shy behaviour with...
The patient (Figure 1) was a 6-year-old male neutered Domestic Short Hair feline that presented to the referral centre with diabetes mellitus. With subsequent testing, he was diagnosed with a...
Feline urethral obstruction is a potentially life-threatening condition. The maintenance and monitoring of the patient's electrolyte levels and fluid balance, and urinary catheter management, as well...
A 1-year 11-month-old, 2.1 kg, male intact crossbreed rabbit presented to Abercorn Veterinary Clinic, Edinburgh after being fostered through a rabbit charity. Clinical examination by a veterinary...
When considering the metacarpal fracture, either surgical or conservative management techniques could have been used with similar results, as digit 1 was affected, which is not weight-bearing...
Clinical examination found tachypnoea, mild dyspnoea, pale pink mucus membranes, a capillary refill time of 2 seconds, heart rate (HR) 150 bpm, clear chest auscultation, no obvious fractures,...
Lucy was a 3 year and 2 month old, female neutered Cockapoo. The chief presenting complaint was lethargy and exercise intolerance associated with severe bradycardia at 30 beats per minute (bpm) noted...