‘A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.’ .
While working in veterinary practice, VSs and RVNs see patients and clients who bring legal and ethical challenges. In this fictional scenario, the euthanasia of a cat with chronic kidney disease may...
Veterinary professionals who neglect their physical, emotional and physiological needs often find themselves suffering with burn-out, compassion fatigue and moral distress; it has been estimated that...
Conflict amongst healthcare professionals has been recognised as a significant issue both in the UK within the NHS and globally (McKibben, 2017; ACT Academy 2018; Labrague et al, 2018). Patton (2014)...
Shea (2014) discussed how cats and dogs have become part of the family in recent years and although still classed as a person's property, pets are increasingly gaining their own rights in law, for...
Change is concerned with altering the way we do things or the way we behave. Girotti (2011) suggested that some change is only a matter of perception, while other change can have a dramatic and...
Utilitarianism and deontology are two classical theories which have been used to guide ethical decision making (Crowley, 2006). The former relates to achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest...
‘Failure to comply with compulsory microchipping could result in a fine of £500 for the dog owner.’
To understand the currently legal status of veterinary nurses internationally and the progress made, or being made toward registration, it is necessary to understand the status of veterinary nurses in...
Before developing a presence in social media it is useful to establish a plan to ensure consistency and the best outcome. The practice should be looking to outline ways of building and growing a loyal...
Social media is a term that most of people are familiar with and often the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of social media is Facebook, and rightly so for Facebook has vastly more users...
When used appropriately, social network sites do provide valuable opportunities to share information and can contain useful educational resources. Regardless of age, gender, religion or profession, a...