
Identifying and treating heart disease in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

The exact reason for CKCS MMVD prevalence is not known. High levels of heritability have been shown, yet there are difficulties in determining why, not least because nearly all CKCS have MMVD, so a...

Updates on emerging and evolving gastrointestinal parasites in dogs and cats

This case concerns a young female entire Border Collie who initially presented for reduced appetite and weight loss, and shortly thereafter developed bloody diarrhoea. Clinical history revealed that...

Senior nutritional requirements for cats and dogs

Although signs of ageing vary, there are common changes that are frequently seen (Table 3). Changes are indicative of the declining function of all body organs. Changes in bodily systems determined by...

The recovery period

Although relatively new in veterinary medicine, anaesthesia checklists in human medicine have been shown to decrease complications and mortality rates (Hohenfellner, 2009) by reducing the occurrence...

Diagnostic assessment of the small animal cardiac patient

Diagnostic tests are needed to either diagnose conditions, assess severity or stage of disease, identify concurrent disease, select appropriate treatment or assess the efficacy of therapy. Physical...

Care of the acute kidney injury patient

The causes of acute kidney injury can be divided into three categories:.

The importance of peri-anaesthetic temperature management: part 1

Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia is a common complication of anaesthesia and sedation, although the seriousness of its effects should not be overlooked despite its frequent occurrence (Reynolds...

The role of the veterinary nurse in homecare for the cardiac patient

Home care for patients with cardiac disease which is life-limiting is palliative by nature. Palliative care can be defined as relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder at any stage...

Anaesthetic considerations for a bleeding hemangiosarcoma undergoing splenectomy

On presentation to the practice the patient should have their basic parameters assessed, including heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, mucous membrane colour, capillary refill time and blood...

The identification and management of feline conjunctivitis

In many cases of feline conjunctivitis, it is difficult to distinguish underlying causes and laboratory diagnostics may be necessary. However, a full clinical history should be taken alongside an...

Efficacy of silver-coated urinary catheters for reducing urinary tract infection in dogs

You are a small animal registered veterinary nurse working in a referral practice. Your practice has seen a high incidence of UTIs in canine patients with indwelling urinary catheters. Recognising...

Parasite roundup for 2023

Increasing numbers of imported rescue cats and dogs have been seen over the past few years, with an associated risk of exotic pathogens entering the UK. The European Scientific Counsel for Companion...