
Conflict prevention and how to make conflict productive

Conflict has been defined as ‘the interaction of interdependent people who perceive incompatibility and the possibility of interference from others as a result of this incompatibility’ (Folger et al,...

Strategies for managing conflict within a team

Conflict amongst healthcare professionals has been recognised as a significant issue both in the UK within the NHS and globally (McKibben, 2017; ACT Academy 2018; Labrague et al, 2018). Patton (2014)...

Looking after the end-of-life patient: four case studies

Caring for a terminally or chronically ill pet is a challenging time for the caregivers and family. There is often a strong feeling from owners wanting to provide for their pet by ensuring their...

Motivating and engaging others: driving practice change

Change is concerned with altering the way we do things or the way we behave. Girotti (2011) suggested that some change is only a matter of perception, while other change can have a dramatic and...

Clinical audit in veterinary practice — the role of the veterinary nurse

Time spent in preparing for clinical audit is never wasted. Thorough preparation is essential to ensure a successful audit. Some of the common problems in setting up clinical audits identified by...

An introduction to effective leadership of teams

Tuckman (1965) proposed a model of team development that is still considered influential today. He suggested that teams move through four stages, namely: forming, storming, norming and performing...

An introduction to veterinary nursing leadership part one: getting to know yourself

Helen had been working at a veterinary practice for 12 years. Three years ago, the practice was sold to a corporate organisation and Helen was offered the position of Head Veterinary Nurse. As she was...

The case for resilience in veterinary nursing care

Resilience is not a new concept. History is filled with the biographies and poetry of men and women whose greatness was achieved primarily through the resilience with which they met and overcame...

The role of reflective practice in professional development

The science of veterinary medicine is constantly evolving with an ever-growing body of knowledge and a rapid rate of technological change. In addition, there are regulatory and societal expectations...

Setting up a cat friendly clinic

Assessing how the clinic is viewed by a new client can be a good place to start. When a client looks at the practice's website, is it easy for them to see that cats are welcome? Is there easy-to-find,...

Learning from mistakes: the use of significant event audit in veterinary practice

So what is clinical governance? Well it certainly isn't rocket science. Scally and Donaldson (1998) defined it as: ‘A framework through which organisations are accountable for continually improving...

Becoming a reflective practitioner

The concept of reflection has been around for a very long time, being described by the philosopher Aristotle as far back as the 300s BC (Kraut, 2012). The contemporary discussion about reflection and...