
Flexible working: a new way forward to an old concept

Flexible working legislation allows an employee to make a request to change their way of working (such as hours, days or location), as well as the introduction of flexitime, compressed hours or phased...

Flexible working in practice: can it be a win–win?

Flexible working comes in many different forms, it is not simply working from home or working fewer hours. It could take the form of flexible roles, responsibilities, altered hours, or adaptable...

The legal, ethical and welfare implications of feeding vegan diets to dogs and cats

‘A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.’ .

Legal implications of euthanasia without owner consent

While working in veterinary practice, VSs and RVNs see patients and clients who bring legal and ethical challenges. In this fictional scenario, the euthanasia of a cat with chronic kidney disease may...

Moral distress, compassion fatigue and burn-out in veterinary practice

Veterinary professionals who neglect their physical, emotional and physiological needs often find themselves suffering with burn-out, compassion fatigue and moral distress; it has been estimated that...

Ethical dilemmas surrounding 24-hour nursing provision for patients in veterinary practice

Shea (2014) discussed how cats and dogs have become part of the family in recent years and although still classed as a person's property, pets are increasingly gaining their own rights in law, for...

Euthanasia of aggressive dogs: ethical considerations

Utilitarianism and deontology are two classical theories which have been used to guide ethical decision making (Crowley, 2006). The former relates to achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest...

Is veterinary nursing a visible profession? Part two

It would appear that the income generated by veterinary nurses is hidden within the practice's income (Davidson and Marsh, 2017). Within the VN Futures Report 2016 (VN Futures Action Group, 2016) it...

Is veterinary nursing a visible profession? Part one

The traditional nurse image is of a human nurse, wearing a starched dress with a white cap and sleeve cuffs. This image is still used to identify nurses today, as can be seen from the call button...

Delegation and the legal, professional and ethical issues for veterinary nurses: a case study

It is necessary to first consider which frameworks we must abide by as citizens of the UK, registered professionals, and individuals with our own moral codes before embarking on an examination of this...

Motivation and job satisfaction in veterinary nursing

Work motivation has been a popular research subject for many decades and consequently a substantial body of empirical knowledge has been accumulated including some very influential theories, practical...