It is necessary to first consider which frameworks we must abide by as citizens of the UK, registered professionals, and individuals with our own moral codes before embarking on an examination of this...
Work motivation has been a popular research subject for many decades and consequently a substantial body of empirical knowledge has been accumulated including some very influential theories, practical...
To understand the currently legal status of veterinary nurses internationally and the progress made, or being made toward registration, it is necessary to understand the status of veterinary nurses in...
Before developing a presence in social media it is useful to establish a plan to ensure consistency and the best outcome. The practice should be looking to outline ways of building and growing a loyal...
Social media is a term that most of people are familiar with and often the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of social media is Facebook, and rightly so for Facebook has vastly more users...
When used appropriately, social network sites do provide valuable opportunities to share information and can contain useful educational resources. Regardless of age, gender, religion or profession, a...
There are a number of different pricing strategies in operation in veterinary practices in the UK and most practices will use more than one..
In the scenario (Box 1) there are several issues to consider. The primary concern is the validity of the action of euthanasia by the RVN, as authorised by the veterinarian, due to someone other than...
The introduction of the non-statutory register for veterinary nurses (VNs) in 2007 was a milestone in the recognition of the VN both within practice and in the eyes of the general public. Although...
It is useful for nurses in small animal practice to have the SQP qualification in order to prescribe appropriate medicines for animals. The SQP qualification is regulated by the Animals Medicines...
Brands first became important in the USA well over a century ago and were a method by which companies selling similar goods could differentiate their own offerings from those of their competitors...