Evidence-based medicine came to the forefront of human medicine more than a decade ago and it is now considered an essential part of human health care, with various journals (e.g. Evidence-based...
Researchers have made a number of attempts to identify and classify the causes of workplace conflict, but because there are so many, no one has come up with a definitive list as yet. Wall and...
One afternoon during a very busy consulting session in a veterinary charity hospital, a seizuring Rottweiler was brought in by the owner. The owner was very distressed and told the receptionist that...
In order to be recognized as a member of a profession every professional practitioner will have undergone training and achieved a standard set by their professional body. However, being professional...
The state educational department decided in 1995 that the Norwegian Veterinary Nurse and Assistants Association had to change its name as the title of veterinary/veterinarian was now protected and...
When creating a nurse rota it is important to ensure that the person has a firm knowledge of the external factors that may affect the rota, such as working time regulations (WTR), maternity and...
Progress towards statutory regulation (Box 1) has been developed within the restrictions of the current 1966 Veterinary Surgeons Act, which is 44 years old, almost as old as the veterinary nursing...