
Evaluation of equine superficial digital flexor tendon lesions

Some tendons are more prone to injury than others; most tendon injuries (97–9%) are reported to occur to the forelimb tendons (Kasashima et al, 2004; Lam et al, 2007), with the superficial digital...

Do clients know enough to protect their pets and themselves from tick-borne diseases?

To ascertain client and staff knowledge of ticks a questionnaire (or quiz) was produced: ‘The TickTest’. The questionnaire consisted of closed, multiple choice questions offering respondents the...

Veterinary technology/nursing student perceptions of an experiential simulated client communication workshop

This study explored student perceptions related to an experiential communication skills workshop delivered to a small cohort of final year veterinary technology students at The University of...

A clinical audit to identify factors contributing to surgical wound healing complications

Primary closure should theoretically only be used where the wound has been created in an aseptic manner (Anderson, 1997) and this technique is therefore appropriate for clean surgical wounds, such as...

An investigation into different methods of encouraging voluntary intake of food in anorexic cats

From this investigation, it can be concluded that when attempting to encourage voluntary food intake in anorexic cats, perseverance is essential, irrespective of which feeding method is applied. The...

The significance of dermatoglyphic characteristics in the determination of equine phenotypic susceptibility to abnormal repetitive behaviour in the thoroughbred (Equus caballus)

The current study investigated the relationship between dermatoglyphs and behaviours described as ARB, including those behaviours traditionally referred to as SBs. Behaviours were considered abnormal...

Companion animal veterinary practices in China and service quality

The provision of any service provides challenges to managers and those actually delivering the service (Palmer, 2008). Services exhibit the properties of intangibility (cannot be directly examined...

The effect of adding butorphanol tartrate to an acepromazine maleate premedicant on anaesthetic induction and recovery in dogs

The study was completed at one veterinary practice and involved 20 healthy bitches of a variety of breeds ranging from 6 months to 7 years of age. The weight range of the bitches was 5–38 kg. The...