Increasing numbers of imported rescue cats and dogs have been seen over the past few years with associated risk of exotic pathogens entering the UK. These numbers are also likely to be swelled in 2022...
The low number of respondents meant that the true prevalence of the use of anti-inflammatory drugs as a supportive treatment for canine angiostrongylosis could not be calculated. It could depend on...
No one could have predicted the hot topics for 2020. We expected a large focus on pet travel as Brexit agreements were confirmed and pet travel legislation was ironed out. The end of 2019 also saw the...
It has been brought to the attention of ESCCAP UK & Ireland by veterinary surgeons that routine preventative treatment against Angiostrongylus vasorum is dropping in the midst of the current COVID-19...
Angiostrongylosis is notorious for its non-specific clinical manifestations, occasionally asymptomatic nature, and prolonged course—features that add complexity to the diagnosis of this disease....
A. vasorum has an indirect mollusc-borne life cycle. Dogs become infected when they ingest slugs and snails containing infective third-stage larvae (L3s). Adult female worms lay eggs in the pulmonary...
Temperatures below freezing are lethal to adult fleas, dying within 5 days at -1°C and 10 days at 3°C. Survival significantly increases when temperatures exceed 8°C where nearly half of emerged adults...
Historically, A. vasorum distribution has been characterised by a number of highly endemic areas, and low or zero prevalence outside those areas in foxes (Morgan et al, 2008), and few or no cases in...
Foxes act as a natural reservoir of A. vasorum with dogs becoming infected from contaminated, slugs, snails and frogs within their environment. This wildlife reservoir tends to lead towards high...