Care of the acute kidney injury patient

The causes of acute kidney injury can be divided into three categories:.

Pathophysiology of chronic kidney disease and the nursing care of cats

One symptom of CKD is a rise in levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN; normal reference range 17–29 mg/dl) (Brown, 2007) and creatinine (azotaemia being identified once the blood creatinine concentration...

Supporting quality of life in feline patients with chronic kidney disease

CKD may be influenced by genetic, individual and environmental factors (Jepson, 2016). Decline in kidney function is considered normal in ageing animals (Polzin, 2011), however incidences of CKD in...

Assessing pain and emotional wellbeing in feline patients with chronic kidney disease

Pain is defined as a sensory and emotional experience caused by actual or potential damage to tissue (The International Association for the Study of Pain, 1994). The sensory aspect of pain can be...