Multiple studies in the field of human healthcare have demonstrated the ability of sterilisation packaging materials in maintaining barrier integrity for several months post sterilisation. For...
Immediate consideration of the patient's major body systems should be performed; this involves assessment of the ABC's — airway, breathing and circulation. These parameters should be examined in all...
Most of the wounds seen in veterinary practice are as a result of trauma. The initial triage and assessment of trauma patients focuses on the major body organ systems; the ‘ABCD’ of triage focuses on...
A multi-modal approach to analgesia should be selected in the bite wound patient, the first line analgesic of choice being an opioid, either pure agonist, such as methadone or morphine, or a partial...
Portner and Johnson (2010) highlight that there is a substantial amount of information and recommendations regarding incidence and control of nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections in the human...