Awareness, perceptions and practices of UK veterinary nurses on managing the risk of malnutrition in hospitalised cats and dogs

Current literature focusses on obesity, with minimal research surrounding malnutrition and species comparison. This study aimed to explore the current attitudes, awareness, and practises of veterinary...

Nutrition in critical care

Nutrition is described as the processes of food utilisation by a plant or animal (Merriam-Webster, 2020). The terms macro and micronutrients refer to the volume of each that is required....

The role of nutrition in critical care

Nutrition is essential for good health, but it is particularly important to critically ill patients. This is because they can quickly develop malnutrition, or pre-existing malnutrition is aggravated...

Early enteral nutrition: indications, benefits and complications

Eating was specifically considered in the Ability Model's patient assessment framework (Orpet and Welsh, 2011), demonstrating that this should not be overlooked while creating a nursing care plan...

How to tube feed

All patients receiving enteral nutrition should have a nutritional requirement calculation completed and reviewed daily, and it is ideal to record this on a nutrition calculation chart to refer back...

How to place commonly used feeding tubes in dogs and cats

NO and NG tubes provide short-term enteral nutritional support, generally for up to 5 to 10 days, and are suitable for use in patients for whom sedation or general anaesthesia is contraindicated...

Nutritional management of hospitalised dogs and cats

When an animal does not receive adequate calories to meet energy requirements, amino acids are mobilised from lean body mass to compensate for that calorie deficit. This is the body's quick solution...

Oral rehydration therapy — simple administration of basic nutrients

The principles of ORT are based on supplying simple nutrients that can be absorbed directly by the cells lining the small intestine, known as enterocytes (Figure 2). Enterocytes are not capable of...