Working towards a greener future in veterinary anaesthesia

The climate crisis is the largest and most prolonged threat to global health ever described (Costello et al, 2009). The rising temperatures documented over recent centuries are attributed largely to...

How to create a dog friendly clinic

The journey to the veterinary clinic could involve stressful or exciting activity, elevating dogs', and owners', cortisol levels. Negative associations with previous visits experienced as unpleasant...

The environment, flea products and the need for year round flea control

Fleas are a cause of allergic dermatitis and vectors for a variety of infections including Bartonella henselae (cause of cat scratch disease), Rickettsia felis (cause of spotted fever), Haemoplasma...

Helping kittens to become confident cats—why they and their owners need the support of the veterinary team. Part 2: environmental effects and support

There are a number of pre- and post-natal environmental effects that can affect the kitten's capacity to develop emotional resilience to both the social and physical aspects of a domestic environment.

Cognitive dysfunction in older dogs and cats: the role of the veterinary nurse in screening

Head (2013) suggests while dogs do have natural cognitive decline in different domains, like humans this is individual to the animal. Clinical behavioural signs are often referred to by the acronym...

How to achieve effective hand hygiene

Portner and Johnson (2010) highlight that there is a substantial amount of information and recommendations regarding incidence and control of nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections in the human...

Management of feline idiopathic cystitis: nursing interventions

According to Buffington et al (2006a), environmental modification should form part of FIC management. In their study many of the cats that presented with FIC signs spent their time indoors, with their...