Early models of bereavement, such as the five stages model created by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in 1969, described grief as a process, with the people involved passing through stages such as denial,...
The initial contact usually comes in the form of a telephone call from a member of the public or a wildlife rescue, or from a member of the public bringing a wildlife patient directly to the...
While working in veterinary practice, VSs and RVNs see patients and clients who bring legal and ethical challenges. In this fictional scenario, the euthanasia of a cat with chronic kidney disease may...
The initial phone call is key to whether a euthanasia is going to run smoothly or not. Get this part wrong and you could end up with a very stressed client and veterinary team; and a rushed...
The ideal diet for pet rabbits is unlimited grass-based hay, green leafy vegetables, and limited high-quality, hay-based pellets (Bradley, 2004). As they age, geriatric rabbits are fed the same foods,...
Utilitarianism and deontology are two classical theories which have been used to guide ethical decision making (Crowley, 2006). The former relates to achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest...
Veterinary professionals have reported having had little training on euthanasia at veterinary school. Comments include:.
Although there are no veterinary specific ethical frameworks, there are several frameworks used in human medicine that can be applied to veterinary medicine. Of these frameworks, perhaps the most...
The moment of recognition that a cure is unattainable defines the beginning of palliative or hospice provision in an animal's care. When highly-bonded pet owners acknowledge this moment, it is normal...
Ethics is the practical application of beliefs and values in everyday life (Busch, 2008) and each person holds their own individual beliefs. The study of ethics considers moral questions and the...