Identifying and treating heart disease in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

The exact reason for CKCS MMVD prevalence is not known. High levels of heritability have been shown, yet there are difficulties in determining why, not least because nearly all CKCS have MMVD, so a...

An extended patient care report for a canine in congestive heart failure

Roxy had a chronic history of mitral valve disease, which had progressed to heart failure 18 months prior to presentation at the author's clinic. There had been an initial response to medical...

Mitral valve disease and dilated cardiomyopathy in canines

Normal cardiovascular function provides the body with nutrients and removes metabolic waste. The heart is the pumping force behind this system, and is divided into two sides to prevent mixing of...

Nursing approach: clinical nutrition of the canine with cardiac disease

Heart disease can occur at any age. Common congenital defects in dogs include patent ductus arteriosus, aortic stenosis and pulmonic stenosis. The most common acquired canine heart diseases are...