Rehabilitation and recovery times for canine patients post hemilaminectomy

Zidan et al (2018) conducted a randomised, blinded, prospective clinical trial, evaluating the difference that basic and intensive rehabilitation had on the time to ambulation. The population...

Canine hip dysplasia: rehabilitation

The goals of rehabilitating a patient with hip dysplasia include:.

Rehabilitation of the feline patient: acupuncture and hydrotherapy as part of a multidisciplinary team approach

Acupuncture belongs to an ancient tradition of Chinese medicine (TCM) which originated in ancient China, and has evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use acupuncture and many other...

Hydrotherapy for the osteoarthritic dog: why might it help and is there any evidence?

The initial cause of OA can be difficult to determine as there may be a number of factors contributing to the development and progression of the condition. Johnston (1997) summarises the causes of...

Canine osteoarthritis: improving quality of life

Dogs with OA commonly present with abnormal gait, lameness, pain in affected joints, crepitus in extension or flexion of joints, exercise intolerance, muscle atrophy, and stiffness..

Small animal post-operative orthopaedic rehabilitation

The aims of rehabilitation following orthopaedic surgery are to accelerate recovery and return to function by reducing pain, swelling and inflammation, improving joint range of motion (ROM) and muscle...