Nerve blocks on forelimbs and hindlimbs as part of a multimodal analgesia plan

Table 1 shows the different local anaesthetic drugs and the doses that can be used in locoregional blocks. A combination of these local anaesthetics and an opioid, can be used to form part of a...

How to manage pain in the dental patient

Pre-emptive analgesia is analgesia given before the pain response is triggered with the aim of avoiding ‘wind up’, the development of peripheral and central sensitisation (Lantz, 2003). Stimulation of...

Peripheral nerve blocks as part of a multimodal analgesia approach in orthopaedic patients

Nociceptors are the peripheral sensory nerve endings that respond to a noxious stimulus (thermal, chemical and mechanical). The nociceptive pathway is made up of four processes that transmit...