Parasite roundup for 2021

ESCCAP UK & Ireland continues to advise that all UK cats and dogs be treated at least every 3 months to reduce egg shedding. High risk groups (cats and dogs on raw unprocessed diets, those that hunt...

A retrospective survey evaluating the prescribing tendencies of UK veterinary surgeons, relating to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in canine angiostrongylosis

The low number of respondents meant that the true prevalence of the use of anti-inflammatory drugs as a supportive treatment for canine angiostrongylosis could not be calculated. It could depend on...

Factors driving lungworm spread and the need for ongoing diagnosis and prevention

A. vasorum has spread rapidly over the past 20 years from endemic foci in Wales, the South West and South East of England across the whole of the UK. Increased reporting of cases has been seen in...

A heart-breaking disease: how to prevent lungworm infection

Angiostrongylosis is notorious for its non-specific clinical manifestations, occasionally asymptomatic nature, and prolonged course—features that add complexity to the diagnosis of this disease....

Feline lungworm: biology, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment

All three of these parasites are nematodes; A. abstrusus and T. brevior are members of the metastrongyloidae family and E. aerophilus is from the trichuridae family. The cat lungworm (A. abstrusus)...

Canine angiostrongylosis: an update

Historically, A. vasorum distribution has been characterised by a number of highly endemic areas, and low or zero prevalence outside those areas in foxes (Morgan et al, 2008), and few or no cases in...