Awareness, perceptions and practices of UK veterinary nurses on managing the risk of malnutrition in hospitalised cats and dogs

Current literature focusses on obesity, with minimal research surrounding malnutrition and species comparison. This study aimed to explore the current attitudes, awareness, and practises of veterinary...

Veterinary nutritional assessment: the importance of an interprofessional approach

As with any medical intervention, there are always risks of complications and this is no different with nutritional interventions. Minimising such risks depends on regular nutritional assessment,...

How to approach weight loss in the obese canine

In order to develop a successful canine weight loss plan, the following steps are critical:.

Nourishing dogs and cats through their twilight years

‘Ageing encompasses a complex set of processes, gradually leading to increased vulnerability and damage at the cellular and organ level with eventual death of the organism’ (Cupp et al, 2007: 133)....

Nutritional calculations: a guide for the veterinary healthcare team

Energy is measured in calories (cal), kilocalories (kcal) and kilojoules (kJ): 1 kcal = 1000 cal = 4.184 kJ. Heat is produced following the intake of a meal as a result of digestion and absorption....