Rehabilitation following surgical management of canine osteoarthritis

Surgical management of osteoarthritis is indicated for patients severely affected by osteoarthritis for which conservative management alone is not achieving the desired results. The joint(s) of the...

Veterinary management of feline osteoarthritis

The aetiology of feline OA is different to that of canine OA. There is much less evidence to support OA secondary to developmental disease processes such as dysplasia, with one particular study citing...

Use of therapeutic laser in the veterinary field

Laser therapy or photobiomodulation is a photochemical process in which light from a laser interacts with cells and causes stimulation or other biochemical changes (Pryor and Millis, 2015). Depending...

Rehabilitation and recovery times for canine patients post hemilaminectomy

Zidan et al (2018) conducted a randomised, blinded, prospective clinical trial, evaluating the difference that basic and intensive rehabilitation had on the time to ambulation. The population...

Canine degenerative myelopathy

Degenerative myelopathy affects adult dogs, typically 8 years of age and above (Awano et al, 2009). Although initially reported in the German Shepherd, it affects dogs of several breed including...

Rehabilitating the canine cruciate patient: part two

Osteotomy techniques such as the TPLO are performed with the goal of altering the joint biomechanics in order to stabilise the stifle joint. Radiographs are performed prior to surgery, and patients...

Rehabilitating the canine cruciate patient: part one

Given the prominent presentation of cruciate disease, it should be considered in every patient presented for investigation of hind limb lameness (Millis and Levine, 2014). Affected patients may...

The use of outcome measures in equine rehabilitation

A questionnaire was used to investigate how physiotherapists involved with the treatment and training of horses measure progress and outcomes during rehabilitation. Snowball sampling was used to...

Canine hip dysplasia: rehabilitation

The goals of rehabilitating a patient with hip dysplasia include:.

A patient care report of a dog that had hemilaminectomy surgery to decompress the spinal cord

Neurological examination revealed paraparesis with very weak lower motor neuron function demonstrated by delayed proprioception in the hindlimbs. The patient was deep pain (DP) positive and spinal...

Hydrotherapy for the osteoarthritic dog: why might it help and is there any evidence?

The initial cause of OA can be difficult to determine as there may be a number of factors contributing to the development and progression of the condition. Johnston (1997) summarises the causes of...

Evaluation of equine superficial digital flexor tendon lesions

Some tendons are more prone to injury than others; most tendon injuries (97–9%) are reported to occur to the forelimb tendons (Kasashima et al, 2004; Lam et al, 2007), with the superficial digital...

A care report of a feline sacroiliac and coxofemoral luxation following a road traffic accident

The patient was presented to the surgery after being involved in a road traffic accident that had resulted in severe pelvic trauma. The patient has been missing for 24 hours..