Renal patients: IRIS scores, nursing care plans and care bundles

Care bundle — group of evidence-based best practices related to a disease or set of symptoms, that, when executed together, result in better outcomes than when implemented individually (Norman,...

Nurse-led renal clinics

Attendance at nurse clinics for animals that have been newly diagnosed or with suspected renal disease should be instigated as soon as possible (Box 1). All patients should be referred to a veterinary...

Understanding and nursing acute kidney injury: a patient care report

AKI is defined as a rapid decline in renal function (Jack and Watson, 2008). It is differentiated from chronic renal disease (CRD) by their different pathologies. In AKI, blood does not adequately...

Dietary management of the cat with chronic kidney disease

The ideal diet for a cat with renal disease should have a number of basic properties. It should be:.