Do owners administer inappropriate doses of anthelmintic based on an inaccurate perception of their horse's bodyweight?

An online survey conducted by Allison et al (2011) was carried out to establish owners' beliefs, attitudes, and practices with reference to the use of anthelmintic drugs. The survey identified that...

Motivating and engaging others: driving practice change

Change is concerned with altering the way we do things or the way we behave. Girotti (2011) suggested that some change is only a matter of perception, while other change can have a dramatic and...

Antibiotic resistance in small animal veterinary practice: veterinary nurses as antibiotic guardians

Mechanisms for antibiotic resistance may be categorised as intrinsic resistance or acquired resistance (Umber and Bender, 2009). Some bacteria are inherently resistant to certain antibiotics due to...

Antimicrobial drug resistance and antibiosis

Infection may be defined as infiltration of sterile tissue by microorganisms or invasion of sites normally colonised by commensal bacteria by potentially pathogenic bacteria. Inflammation is the...

Control of endoparasites in adult horses

According to a study by Nielsen (2012) it is estimated that 95–100% of the total parasite burden of individual horses is due to nematode species, in particular, cyathostomins. Nematode species (Table...

Antibiotic resistance in veterinary practice: a veterinary nurse's perspective

The first antibiotic penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 (Fleming, 1929), and more than 100 compounds have been found since, but no new class has been found since 1987 (Ling et al,...

Control of gastrointestinal nematode species in horses: an evidence-based approach

In the past worm burdens have been attributed to the occurrence of colic in the horse (Proudman and Matthews, 2000) and with this disorder being of significant risk to the health of the horse, owners...