How to set up for dental extractions

Tooth extraction can be achieved using a closed or open (surgical) technique. As Reiter (2019) stated, ‘the principles of tooth extraction are to reduce or eliminate the retentive factors that hold a...

How to perform a conscious oral examination on a cat and what to look for

A gentle way to examine the teeth is to use one hand to expose the cat's maxillary teeth and the other to expose the mandibular teeth. The first step is to place one hand on top of the cat's head and...

Periodontal probing and charting in veterinary nursing

All teeth comprise enamel, dentine and pulp. Enamel is the hardest tissue in the body and is the external surface of all tooth crowns. Dentine forms the bulk of the tooth crown and root, and is...

Causes, examination and treatment of dental disease in rabbits

Rabbits are obligate herbivores and their cyclical digestive process requires high amounts of fibre to meet nutritional needs. In the wild, rabbits primarily consume tough fibrous grasses and leafy...

How to create a rabbit friendly practice and run a successful rabbit clinic

Although domesticated for decades, rabbits' behaviour has changed little, and they are easily frightened, and quickly stressed. The effects of stress are significant and can lead to heart failure and...