In human medicine, doctors can rely on their patient's ability to communicate where the pain is and how much pain they are in, however, we cannot communicate in the same language as animals and so we...
Owners' feedback is crucial for gaining information on how a pet's DM is being managed at home and its effects on QoL (Reusch et al, 2006). Niessen et al (2012) found that the highest-rated negatively...
Online interviews via Microsoft Teams, with ten participants, were used to collect qualitative data. The semi-structured nature of the interviews provided a basic framework to ensure all of the core...
Current literature focusses on obesity, with minimal research surrounding malnutrition and species comparison. This study aimed to explore the current attitudes, awareness, and practises of veterinary...
Internal parasites live inside the animal's body, in different locations including the small intestine, the lung, the heart, the subcutaneous tissue or even inside the eye. The majority of internal...
A cross-sectional study was designed in the form of an online questionnaire to target the UK pet owning general public over the age of 18. Ethical approval was gained from the ethics committee of the...
Species: Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta).
Although burnout is an aspect of compassion fatigue, the concepts are distinct. Both compassion fatigue and burnout fall under the umbrella term of secondary traumatic stress (Huggard and Huggard,...
The initial contact usually comes in the form of a telephone call from a member of the public or a wildlife rescue, or from a member of the public bringing a wildlife patient directly to the...
This quantitative study used a cross-sectional design comprising 26 questions. A questionnaire targeting veterinary nurses in clinical practice in New Zealand was distributed via social media (private...
In the critical care setting, insult to the musculoskeletal and integumentary systems occurs from traumatic injuries. These wounds can be caused by many external factors and their classification takes...
The renal system (comprising the kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethra) is responsible for many functions that help maintain overall homeostasis. Its roles include fluid regulation, hormone...
An online survey was designed and adapted from a previous survey targeting veterinarians (Kogan et al, 2017). Before distribution, the authors reviewed and pilot tested the survey, incorporating...