CPD article: Weight loss considerations in the older cat

History taking is the first opportunity to try and identify changes that the owner attributes to ‘just getting older’ as potentially indicating underlying disease.

How to implement and manage a weight loss plan

After determining a pet is any body condition score (BCS) above ideal, a discussion with the pet owner is the initial step to educate the family that their pet is overweight, and emphasise the health...

Use of canine hydrotherapy as part of a rehabilitation programme

Most dogs using hydrotherapy centres in the UK are pedigree breeds, with the Labrador retriever representing 30% of all dogs seen (Waining et al, 2011). This could be because of the breed’s...

Weighing in on obesity: prevention, treatment and management

Obesity has been associated with numerous diseases, including pancreatitis (Hess et al, 1999), osteoarthritis (Kealy et al, 2002), dermatologic disease (Scarlett et al, 1998), diabetes (Scarlett et...

Canine osteoarthritis: improving quality of life

Dogs with OA commonly present with abnormal gait, lameness, pain in affected joints, crepitus in extension or flexion of joints, exercise intolerance, muscle atrophy, and stiffness..