Clinical application of photobiomodulation therapy in a zoological setting

PBMT is a form of light therapy that uses non-ionizing light sources, such as lasers, light emitting diodes (LED) light and broadband light within both the visible and infrared spectrums. PBMT is a...

How to manage bite wounds in veterinary practice

On presentation a clinical history should be obtained, followed by a full clinical examination to assess any major life-threatening injuries. This can help to establish underlying medical issues that...

Initial treatment of wound patients

Immediate consideration of the patient's major body systems should be performed; this involves assessment of the ABC's — airway, breathing and circulation. These parameters should be examined in all...

Hard to heal wounds: dealing with the problematic wound

When considering the closure of wounds, the timing of closure can be assigned to various categories. First either primary closure or first intention, whereby the wound is immediately sutured closed at...

How to select an appropriate wound dressing

All wounds should be closely monitored throughout the healing process as different types of wound dressings may be required at different points while the wound heals. Each of the different wound...

Factors resulting in delayed wound healing

Infection delays wound healing. If infection is thought to be the cause of the delay in wound healing in a surgical wound, then a thorough review of the patient, the environment and surgical technique...

How to effectively manage an infected wound

Antibiotics do not remove the burden of protein rich material and the potential contributing factors that may have encouraged infection in the first place. Bacteria present in a wound at high levels...