Evie Yon

Lecturer in Veterinary Nursing, College of Animal Welfare. Previously worked at the QMHA (RVC) as a Surgery RVN

Care bundles to reduce surgical site infections and promote positive outcomes

SSIs affect large numbers of veterinary patients each year and are infections that occur at, or near, to the surgical site up to 30 days post surgery, or up to 1 year after implants have been placed...

The veterinary nurse's role in the management of wound drains

Once a wound is created, whether this be as a result of a surgical incision or trauma, the body's response will be to commence wound healing. The normal wound healing process occurs in three phases:...

How to reduce the risk of surgical site infections

Wounds are generally categorised into four classifications (see Table 1) Clean wounds provide minimal risk of infection, whereas dirty wounds may already display signs of infection or tissue damage...