Hamish Morrin

Teaching Fellow in Veterinary Nursing, Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, Herts

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Veterinary human support

Veterinary human support is a useful umbrella term and can include anything related to supporting people in veterinary roles, from recruitment and training, through to workplace support and career...

Bereavement and the veterinary nurse

Early models of bereavement, such as the five stages model created by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in 1969, described grief as a process, with the people involved passing through stages such as denial,...

Values conflict resolution

Value conflicts occur when a situation clashes with a person's deeply held moral beliefs and values, such as religious or political views (Harinck and Druckman, 2017). This article uses a range of...

Ethics in practice: Schwartz rounds and veterinary clinical ethics committees

Schwartz rounds are named after their originator, Kenneth Schwartz, who was diagnosed with cancer in his 40s and died after 11 months of treatment. During his treatment, he found the compassion shown...