Helen Cartlidge

MRes PgC BSc (Hons) FHEA RVN

Impact of storage on sterility of surgical instruments in autoclave bags

Multiple studies in the field of human healthcare have demonstrated the ability of sterilisation packaging materials in maintaining barrier integrity for several months post sterilisation. For...

An investigation of the impact of body condition score on the grade of intervertebral disc disease and recovery time

The first objective of this study was to identify whether there was a significant difference between IVDD grades in each weight group. No significant difference was found. No other authors have...

EBVM: a quick guide to evaluating veterinary evidence

Evidence can come in many forms (Box 1). A randomised controlled trial (RCTs) is often considered the ‘gold standard’ of experimental research, however in the author's experience the availability of...

Hydrotherapy for the osteoarthritic dog: why might it help and is there any evidence?

The initial cause of OA can be difficult to determine as there may be a number of factors contributing to the development and progression of the condition. Johnston (1997) summarises the causes of...

How to perform effleurage and passive range of motion exercises

Any patient that has limited use of one or more limbs will have the potential to suffer the detrimental effects of disuse, and would be suitable candidates for the application of effleurage and PROM...

Do clients know enough to protect their pets and themselves from tick-borne diseases?

To ascertain client and staff knowledge of ticks a questionnaire (or quiz) was produced: ‘The TickTest’. The questionnaire consisted of closed, multiple choice questions offering respondents the...

Collecting data and designing experiments

Quantitative studies involve collection of numbers, percentages etc, whereas qualitative studies involve collection of descriptive words and sentences (Blumberg et al, 2011). When deciding on how to...