Louise O'Dwyer

DipAVN(Surgical) RVN is Clinical Director at PetMedics in Manchester, UK

The role of antimicrobials in wound dressings

The evolution of antibiotic resistant bacteria such as meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and the clinical challenge they pose to wound management has been well publicised (Guyot and...

How to care for the bite wound patient

A multi-modal approach to analgesia should be selected in the bite wound patient, the first line analgesic of choice being an opioid, either pure agonist, such as methadone or morphine, or a partial...

How to perform central venous pressure measurement

Central venous pressure (CVP) is very useful for monitoring the effects of fluid therapy in critical patients. It is used to detect hypovolaemia and hypervolaemia, which is particularly important when...

PHMB as a topical antimicrobial in veterinary wound management

Wound infection has been well recognized as a factor involved in prolonged wound healing. Wound infection is seen to prolong the inflammatory phase of wound healing, resulting in pain and discomfort...

Options for skin coverage: reconstruction and skin grafts

A skin flap is a piece of skin that remains attached to a blood supply when it is placed over a recipient wound whereas a skin graft is a piece of skin taken away from its blood supply and placed on a...