The study design was based on the observation and collection of data concerning the assessment of a horse's body condition. Ethical approval was gained from the University Ethics Committee, before any...
Behavioural first aid advice is for the prevention of further harms. It should protect the welfare and safety of both the equine and its human connections. Having a good working knowledge of natural...
A questionnaire was used to investigate how physiotherapists involved with the treatment and training of horses measure progress and outcomes during rehabilitation. Snowball sampling was used to...
It is common practice to starve the patient for 8 hours prior to surgery if the patient is to undergo a general anaesthetic (King, 2014)..
Obesity is a qualitative term (Wyse et al, 2008), defined as the accumulation of excess fat (adipose tissue) within the body (Thatcher et al, 2012). It has also been defined as a disease in which...
Some tendons are more prone to injury than others; most tendon injuries (97–9%) are reported to occur to the forelimb tendons (Kasashima et al, 2004; Lam et al, 2007), with the superficial digital...
Tendons are composed of a dense fibrous extracellular matrix, mainly consisting of type I collagen, which is synthesized by tenocytes (Thorpe et al, 2010).
Cerebral hemisphere differentiation is well documented in vertebrates (De Boyer Des Roches et al, 2008; Rogers, 2010) (Table 1), with the left hemisphere considered to be responsible for...
A stem cell is an unspecialized cell capable of self renewal and able to differentiate into a specialized cell. Embryonic stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of early stage embryos whereas...
There are 12 key factors which can inhibit healing of equine wounds. These are infection, movement, foreign bodies, necrotic tissue, continued trauma, paucity of blood supply, poor oxygen supply, poor...