Emergency assessment and nursing of a queen with dystocia
Dystocia is a life threatening emergency situation which requires urgent treatment. This report aims to evaluate and critique the assessment, monitoring and nursing care given to a queen which presented with dystocia. The triage by the nurse, fluid therapy and pain control will be evaluated for this case report.
The patient presented to the practice with dystocia, the owner reported she was becoming increasingly distressed and restless with a history of abdominal contractions for 1 hour without delivery of any kittens.
Species: Feline
Breed: Oriental Short Hair
Age: 2 years old
Gender: Female (entire/pregnant)
Weight: 3.6 kg
On arrival the patient was triaged and monitored by a registered veterinary nurse (RVN) until the veterinary surgeon (VS) examined her. The RVN noted a heart rate of 138 bpm (110–180) with strong synergistic pulses, and a respiratory rate of 38 bpm (20–40) with clear chest sounds. A rectal temperature of 37.8°C (38.3–38.8) with pink mucous membranes (MM) and capillary refill time (CRT) under 2 seconds were noted. Non-invasive blood pressure reading using an oscillometric device was obtained with a reading of 117/48 (71) (115–180 systolic). The patient was in sternal recumbence and was quiet and responsive. The Colorado State University feline pain score (Hellyer et al, 2006) was used as a tool for pain assessment with a result of 3 due to the patient tucking in her feet close to her body and some reaction to examination around her vulva. A result of 3 can indicate mild discomfort, a score of 5 or above would have indicated the need for pain relief. The VS performed a digital vaginal examination and diagnosed obstructive dystocia and was unable to correct the position of the kitten. The VS decided to perform an emergency Caesarean.
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