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Developing a social media profile for a veterinary practice

22 September 2014
9 mins read
Volume 5 · Issue 7
Figure 3. A social media profile is like a stand at a farmer's market — showcasing the practice, fostering interest, providing what people need, and making visitors want to come back.
Figure 3. A social media profile is like a stand at a farmer's market — showcasing the practice, fostering interest, providing what people need, and making visitors want to come back.


Setting up a social media profile for a veterinary practice requires good planning, knowledge about the various social networks and an investment in professional branding. It also requires selecting a suitable person for the job of posting content and interacting with the profile's fan base. Establishing a large fan base can be a challenge, but with professionalism and consistently good content the profile will engage fans, develop loyalty to the practice and potentially bring in new clients as well as increase visibility in the wider community.

Establishing a presence on social media is not as straightforward as it first seems. Social media has put marketing into the hands of individuals and when it comes to veterinary practice, this often means responsibilities fall to staff members who otherwise may not be familiar with marketing strategies. Setting up a social media profile for a business is significantly different than creating a page for an individual. The profile must show who the practice is and offer ways to learn more about the business, but it must also entertain and educate to keep people interested in the practice's profile (Hanbury, 2011).

Fans expect a lot and are easily swayed by unattractive profiles, poor grammar, unprofessional names and descriptions or uninspiring presentation. With only one click and a few moments of contemplation they may choose to unfollow a profile if it does not live up to expectations. Therefore, it is important to establish a profile that is professional, useful, appealing to the eye, and entertaining to fans. Ultimately, a good social media profile will present the business well and will hopefully keep current fans, as well as attract new ones.

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